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Family planning, the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, and women’s reproductive health are topics that have received close attention for decades. It would therefore be fair to assume that there exists a good knowledge of the menstrual cycle. However, it is clear that many people have various misconceptions about the menstrual cycle and fertile days or ovulation, and that this process is still largely taught with the aid of materials and images that have not changed for many years. We investigated the effect of moving away from the usual teaching practice of using a 28-day diagram showing ovulation on the 14th day. A total of 184 students from three different high schools, aged between 17 and 18, participated in this research. The students who were taught using three diagrams showing different durations of the menstrual cycle showed a significantly better adoption of the facts and concepts compared to the students who were taught using a diagram of the average 28-day cycle. Our results confirmed that it is highly important to use appropriate visual displays in the teaching of the menstrual cycle and that it is essential to enhance the visual literacy of students and teachers.  相似文献   
高校教师在微生物学实验教学中应用CAI应具备的素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林燕文  王茂先   《微生物学通报》2006,33(2):165-167
计算机辅助教学(CAI)作为一种新的现代化教学方法和手段,已广泛应用于教育教学各个领域。就高校教师在微生物学实验教学中应用CAI存在的问题及应具备的素质进行了探讨。  相似文献   
医疗设备是医院的重要资产,可在一定程度上反映医院的诊断能力以及现代化程度。新医改政策出台后,各地均大力推进医药卫生信息化建设,随着医疗设备种类的增加,给医院设备管理带来一定的困难,医疗设备信息化管理已成为医院不可或缺的一部分。我国的医疗设备信息化管理起步较晚,尚处于初级研究阶段,从而导致现阶段医疗设备信息化管理问题较多。本文简短叙述了医疗设备信息化管理现状,以及当前医疗设备信息化管理所存在的问题,并对所描述问题提出针对性的解决方案。  相似文献   
刘艳艳  史志远  李家美 《广西植物》2022,42(Z1):110-115
高校标本馆作为重要的科普和教学实践基地,是连接大学与社会的桥梁,在提升高校社会影响力和加快高校发展中起着重要作用。目前,高校标本馆普遍存在经费少和缺乏管理等问题。如何立足高校现状,有效解决标本采集和标本数字化过程中耗时耗力的难题,建设具有地方特色的新型植物标本馆,是高校标本馆建设关注的焦点之一。该文以河南农业大学植物标本馆新馆建设为例,介绍了河南农业大学标本馆成立以来,充分发挥高校的人力资源优势,让学生通过实验课或野外实习积极参与新型植物标本馆的建设,基本实现了标本采集、制作、鉴定和数字化的同步进行。在这一过程中,既有效锻炼了学生能力,加深了学生对植物形态的认识,发挥了植物标本馆在教学、科学研究及科学普及中的积极作用,又极大地丰富了标本馆馆藏量,有效地促进了高校新型植物标本馆的发展。  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo characterize the current landscape of preclinical medical endocrine education in U.S. allopathic medical schools.MethodsU.S. endocrine curriculum directors were asked to voluntarily complete a 16-question email survey surveying the status of endocrine preclinical education at their medical school.ResultsSixty-nine of 155 (45%) endocrine block director respondents completed the online survey between July 2021 and September 2021. A larger incoming class, a longer duration of the endocrine curriculum, and the offering of a separate endocrine curriculum (ie apart from the teaching of other organ systems) were each independently associated with an increased number of faculty teaching the course. Schools that used a gland-/organ-based curriculum only and those that used a combination of gland-/organ-based curriculum with topic-based curriculum differed significantly in their use of large lectures, small groups, and several curriculum components, including point of care glucose testing, continuous glucose monitoring, and insulin pumps.ConclusionThis survey study reports the current landscape of preclinical endocrine education in the United States and describes opportunities to improve interest in pursuing endocrinology as a career.  相似文献   
This study estimates the effects of welfare reform in the 1990s, which permanently restructured and contracted the cash assistance system in the U.S., on food insecurity—a fundamental form of material hardship—of the next generation of households. An implicit goal underlying welfare reform was the disruption of an assumed intergenerational transmission of disadvantage; however, little is known about the effects of welfare reform on the well-being of the next generation of adults. Using intergenerational data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and a variation on a difference-in-differences framework, this study exploits 3 sources of variation in childhood exposure to welfare reform: (1) risk of exposure across birth cohorts; (2) variation of exposure within cohorts because different states implemented welfare reform in different years; and (3) variation between individuals with the same exposure who were more likely and less likely to rely on welfare. We found that exposure to welfare reform led to decreases in food insecurity of the next generation of households, by about 10% for a 5-year increase in exposure, with stronger effects for individuals exposed for longer durations during childhood, individuals exposed in early childhood (0–5 years), and women. We also found smaller favorable effects for individuals whose mothers had less than a high school education, indicating that in terms of food insecurity, welfare reform led to relative disadvantages among the most disadvantaged and thus could be exacerbating socioeconomic and health inequalities.  相似文献   
虚拟仿真实验是一种现代信息化和智慧教学的重要方法,对高等医学院校教学质量的发展起到重要的推进作用。我们自主开发建设的“霍乱弧菌检测与防控虚拟仿真实验”,既弥补了因生物安全问题不能开展的实验教学,也解决了微生物学检验实验教学中存在的操作标准化问题。采用“三步进阶”混合教学模式,实现以“学生为中心”的师生互动模式,创建“设计性实验报告”,与育人元素有机结合,培育医学生的职业使命感。细化考核标准,实现过程性评价。探索课前启发铺垫、课中内化升华、课后巩固拓展混合式实验教学模式,有效提高学生的实验技能,实现知行合一、素能共育的教学目标。  相似文献   
国家一流本科课程的评审认定是教育部全面深化教育教学改革的重要举措,也是提升本科教学质量的重要一环,极大地促进了任课教师对标评价量规进行教研教改。为促进环境工程专业核心基础课的教改,“环境工程微生物学”全英课程组在先进的教育思想、方法和教育心理学的指导下,对教学理念、课程内容、教学组织和实施等多方面进行了大胆的改革和创新,注重课程思政和因材施教,增加课堂教学的师生互动和生生互动;针对工科类学生的培养目标,引入实际工程的应用案例,在课内外补充环境微生物工程领域研究的最新进展和教师的科研成果,注重提升课程的高阶性、创新性和挑战度,从多方面强化知识、能力、素质的有机融合,学生学习效果明显提高。申报并获认定为首批国家线下一流本科课程和广东省一流本科课程。  相似文献   
“绪论”是高校所有课程的第一课,上好“绪论”第一课可第一时间在学生心中播下对该门学科的使命感、进取心和责任心的“种子”。作者通过多年的教学研究与实践,认为“绪论”教学的首要目的是激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,点燃学生的进取心和紧迫感,进而喜欢和会学这门课程。为达到上述教学目的,我们构建了“绪论”第一课授课内容、方法与目的三者相吻合的教学模式:首先,采用生动有趣和灵活多样的手段导入情景和实物,并设问;随后通过循循善诱和启迪独立思考,师生共同探究和感悟该学科属性、形成发展历史、目前研究现状及未来发展前景,以及教与学的目的、任务和方法等,从而让学生树立上进心和责任心,增强学好该课程的决心和信心。本文以普通植物病理学课程为例,展示了采用“绪论”第一课的教学模式开展的教学过程。多年的教学实践证明,“绪论”第一课教学模式导入的“绪论”内容规范、系统、全面、与教学目标相契合。并且,其内涵丰富、可操作性强、实施效果好,对提高教学质量十分奏效,适合推广应用。  相似文献   
周德庆 《微生物学通报》2022,49(3):1195-1199
《微生物学教程》获“首届全国教材奖”(二等奖)的消息后,为响应学院领导提出的总结、交流等要求,特撰写了本文。作者以“愿终生能炼成一个称职的微生物学教师”为指导思想,历经半个多世纪的努力,在教书育人的同时,编写了较多的文章和书籍,其中的代表作当属《微生物学教程》。该书至今已出了4版,被300余所高等院校选作教材,总印数超百万册。主要特色为:一人独撰,具中国特色,体系稳定,紧跟学科前沿,重视训练学生的长效记忆和战略思维,关心教学方法的改进和交流,以及注重理论联系实际等。作者对教材编写的体会主要是:干一行,爱一行;自认笨,大有益;轻功利,求实绩;勤厚积,方薄发;花可发,柳自荫;青自蓝,更胜蓝。  相似文献   
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